Neuritis health advice

can neuritis affect the brain

Neuritis health advice-

1. Neuritis spreads from centre to periphery or periphery to centre. If the veins and arterial nerves are involved, this may lead to contraction and inflammation inside the lumen of the vessels which may lead to forced blood circulation and the hampering of nutrition to the brain tissue at large. It may result in clots that may settle on the brain. This doesn’t necessarily occur but there is always a possibility.

2. Take care of the causes of neuritis like diabetes, thyrotoxicosis, raynaud's disease, vitamin deficiencies especially vitamin b6, b12 etc.

3. Consume lots of green leafy vegetables and salads daily.

4. Take a homeopathic remedy Plumbum met 30 5 pills, once at bed time daily for 10 days. Then stop and watch. Follow up after 20 days with another homeopathic remedy called Rhus tox 30, 5 pills 2 times daily, for 10 days.

answered by D M K

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