Scar remedy

Hot oil spilled on my face on my upper lip and it got cured soon but leaving a brownish scar on my face. Could you please suggest me options, how i can get rid of that scar. Your responses are sppreciated

Scar remedy-

  • Apply homeopathic pomade containing berberis aqufolium and hemamilis on the scar.
  • Take a homeopathic remedy called Causticum 30 5 pills once at bed time daily for 15 days. Then stop all medicines and wait for 1 month.
  • If the scar still persists apply a gel from Crystomphalus Aspersa or Helix Aspersa Muller. It is the brownish garden snail that secretes a glycol or sugar chain molecule bound to proteins, peptides, enzymes and co-enzymes and oligoelements. These help in regeneration of tissues and removal of any scars.

answered by D M K

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