Treatment for split fingers

Split fingers or chilblains are cracks at the fingertips. They are painful and annoying. It is caused by a fungus, which causes cracked feet or heels. Anti fungal ointments are helpful. Connective tissue present at the ends of the fingers is weak and vulnerable. This results in inflammation and swelling, in addition to redness. Collagen supplements are recommended under the guidance of a physician. Immunity can be enhanced by supplements, to increase the fighting ability of the body to invasive fungus. Ointments comprising of citronella oil proves beneficial. Maintaining hygienic practices is essential. Wash your hands regularly with antiseptic or anti bacterial soaps. Finger splits make the palms dry and hence moisturizers are recommended. Herbal petroleum jelly keeps the hands greasy, making the healing process faster. Cotton or latex gloves can be worn, especially in the night. Udder cream, used to prevent udder chapping in cows is also an effective remedy. Commercially available liquid bandage products aids in preventing irritation. Adequate amount of fluids, in the form of juices, tender coconut water and barley water are preferred. Applying a moisturizer at regular intervals is recommended, as this helps the healing process.

answered by Dr C

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