How do you stop or treat shaking?

Shaking disorder is a term used to denote any condition that causes tremors. A tremor is defined as an involuntary, rhythmic movement of any muscle within the body that results in a to and fro motion. It can affect virtually any part of the body including the hands, arms, head, face, voice, torso and legs. A majority of tremors occur in the hands. In many individuals, a tremor is a symptom of an underlying neurological disorder or a side effect of certain drugs. While usually not a fatal condition, it can interfere with everyday living depending on its severity.

A tremor usually is caused by an abnormality in a certain part of the brain that controls the muscles in the affected region. Some of the neurological disorders that cause tremors include multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, stroke and traumatic brain injury. Other causes include drug use including caffeine and amphetamines, alcohol abuse or withdrawal, an overactive thyroid gland and liver failure.

While a tremor may occur at any age, it is most commonly found in middle-aged or elderly persons.

In most cases there is no cure for tremors. Treatment for tremors will depend on the underlying cause. While in some cases, treatment of the underlying cause will cause a lessening of the tremors, in other cases it might not. For example, if the root of a tremor is psychogenic, it may respond to treatment for the underlying psychological problem.

Drug therapy is used to treat the symptoms by suppressing the tremors. Tremors due to Parkinson's may be treated with levodopa, pramipexole, ropinirole, amantadine hydrochloride and anticholinergic drugs. Essential tremors may be treated with propranolol, nadolol or primidone among others. Dystonic tremors may be treated with clonazepam and botulinum toxin. The latter may also be used to treat voice and head tremors.

Substances that are known to trigger tremors should be eliminated. These include caffeine and drugs such as cocaine and amphetamines.

Some individuals may require physical therapy in addition to medication. Physical therapy helps to improve coordination and muscle control and patients can be taught certain techniques to function more effectively. For example, an individual may be taught to brace a limb during a tremor to lessen its effect and maintain balance.

In certain cases, doctors may recommend surgery to ease the tremors. Surgical techniques include deep brain stimulation (DBS) that uses implanted electrodes to deliver a small current to a specific area. However, surgery is usually only recommended when drug therapy hasn't achieved the desired results.



answered by G R

  • This is a grave disorder where impairment of brain functions results into hypotonic muscles. There are fine or fast movements of the fingers or limbs at large.
  • A very great exercise is Yoga Pranayam specially tell the patient to do kapalbhaati and anulom vilom for 20 minutes each, daily on an empty stomach that is early in the morning and evening.
  • Take a homeopathic medicine called Stramonium 30 5 pills once at bed time for 5 days. Then wait and watch for 15 days.
  • Take another power of the above medicine called stramonium 200 5 pills 1 dose at bed time every 3rd night for 3 times daily.

answered by D M K

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