I have pimples and small pimples and also dandruff

Dandruff is the presence of the dry scaly dead skin of the scalp. Dandruff is often associated with hair fall, itching, and the deterioration of hair quality.

A little known fact is that dandruff may in fact also cause pimples and minor infections of the skin. The good news is that there are plenty of products, both natural and commercially produced, that help treat dandruff to give you a clean, clear scalp and healthy hair.

Dandruff is usually caused by the increase or decrease in the amount of the naturally produced sebum, which is an oil-like substance that nourishes the hair. Dandruff can also be caused due to infection by a bacterium that feeds off the sebum and causes the skin to grow dry and scaly.

Usually, the new cells that come up, replace the old dead skin. While it is easy for the old dead skin to be shed off in other areas of the body, in the scalp, this dead skin can be seen as flakes. If the process of shedding old dead skin is especially rapid, it can cause accumulation of the layer of dead cells. Some of the reasons why dandruff occurs are:

  • Lack of maintenance of the scalp. This means that the scalp is not thoroughly cleaned and nourished.
  • Allergy or sensitivity to outside agents like smoke ands dust. An allergy to any of your hair care products may also cause dandruff.
  • Dandruff is often also associated with imbalance of the hormones.
  • If you keep poor health and do not consume an adequate diet, that too is a cause of the buildup of dandruff.
  • Mental stress and tension is a common and well researched cause of dandruff.
  • Excessive use of chemicals like dyes and curlers.
  • Exposure to extreme temperatures like extreme heat or cold can also cause dandruff.

Ideally, when you treat the dandruff, your pimples will simultaneously disappear. The important things to note are to brush your hair regularly and not to scratch your scalp very hard.

Wash your hair regularly. Curd is an effective remedy for dandruff. If you have dandruff, apply some curd onto your scalp and leave it for some time. After about an hour, wash the curd away. Another simple remedy is to add some lemon to olive oil and use the oil to massage the scalp. Lemon is an effective agent against dandruff and the oil massages the hair follicles and strengthens hairs to make them healthy.

answered by G M

Advice on Pimples and Dandruff

One of the primary steps to ensure healthy skin and hair is to keep away from picking out the dandruff and small pimples. Trying to get rid of the dandruff and pimples with your fingernails manually without proper hygiene will cause further spread of the disorder and in most cases it has been seen that bacteria causes further inflammation and infection. Keep a close observation on your dietary habits. Too much of sugar, grease, fats, fast food and less water is a major cause of skin eruptions and inflammations. Although water is considered a panacea for almost most controllable disorders, most of us do not follow a strict regime of drinking at least eight to ten glasses of water. Increase the amount of fluids but cut down on the sugar. Sugary drinks, aerated colas and other juices that have a high level of sugar in them are hindrances towards a healthy skin. Even though you may not feel thirsty most of the time, your body needs the fluids to flush out the toxins that tend to accumulate beneath skin cells and other parts of the body. So make a conscious effort to guzzle as much water as your body can take.

answered by K C

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