i have no pain when urinating but i have a discharge

You say that you don't feel any pain during urination but you have some kind of discharge. Have you ever tried smelling that discharge? Is it a foul smell? If your answer is 'Yes' then it is definitely a vaginal infection.

Vaginal infection is often characterized by vaginal discharge that is a clear or whitish liquid expelling out of the vagina along with a foul smell. The main causes of this infection are yeast infection, bacterial infection, Chlamydia, gonorrhea and trichoniasis.

The liquid discharged form the vagina is green, gray or yellow in color and has a bad odor. The infection is also associated with symptoms like itching and swelling in the vaginal area. The discharge often gives a look of cheese cottage or foamy appearance.

To treat the causes and symptoms, you have to consider and diagnose the right cause. Therefore, I would advise you to visit a doctor to seek medical help and advice. Once you are sure for the cause, it is easier to treat the symptoms.

answered by J

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