What are some home remedies for a toothache?

There are many effective remedies for toothache. Here are some of the most useful natural cures for toothache.

  • Clove is considered to be the best remedy for alleviating tooth pain, either suck a clove or consume along with rock salt.
  • Lemon juice is another good cure for relieving tooth ache.
  • Raw onion can be placed on the infected tooth for easing pain.
  • Extract juice from wheat grass and drink the juice to get rid of tooth pain.
  • Placing an ice cube and providing cold to the infected tooth is one of the traditional remedies for toothache.
  • Some people believe that whiskey also helps in treating tooth ache.
  • Prepare a juice of wheat grass and drink it.
  • Soak a cotton bud in a mixture of asafetida and lemon juice. Dab the soaked cotton bud over the affected tooth to get rid of the pain.
  • Chamomile and peppermint are also effective for alleviating tooth pain. Both the herbs can be used to prepare herbal tea or combined with water to prepare mouth rinse. These are effective in reducing swelling and relieving pain.
  • Aloe Vera is another effective herb that is widely used to treat various skin and mouth disorders including tooth pain.

answered by J

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