How do I treat an abscess at home

Do you mean abscess in tooth? Tooth abscesses are preventable by proper oral care. Toothache due to abscess is unbearable. Drinking two to three glasses of water is an effective remedy. Clove oil is dabbed with a swab on the affected tooth. Peroxide wash is also an excellent remedy.

A tooth injury also gives rise to abscesses. A warm gargle with water and salt is also helpful. Application of a warm compress is also useful. This results in spontaneous drainage of the abscess. Antibiotics are essential for bacterial infection. Pain and tenderness of the adjacent areas are the symptoms. Fever, chills and sweating are also commonly seen. Infection is more common in individual's with a poor immune level.

Preventing complications is the main objective of treatment. Over-the-counter pain killers are an effective remedy. Surgical removal of the drainage is done at times. Affected tooth is also extracted, if necessary. Though curable with treatment, immediate care is essential. Aspirin is avoided, as it might irritate the tooth. Root canal treatment is recommended in certain cases, to save the tooth.

answered by Dr C

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