Scabies causes and alternative treatment

Normally, an infestation with scabies mites is not detected for nearly a month after it has struck. The reason for this is that the itching sensation does not really begin till then. However, if you suspect that you or any other member of your family has scabies, you must immediately set about sanitizing the person as well as the entire house and environment. Fro the affected person, taking a sauna with orange oil added to the room for at least a week would be very effective. Sulphur is considered particularly useful in treating scabies. A sulfur-based shampoo should be used for a complete bath, and not just for hair.

To clear out any infestation that might have gone to clothing or to the general house environment, you can launder everything with hot water. Add a few drops of antiseptic oil like tea tree or eucalyptus to the final rinse. This should take care of any mites hiding in clothes. You should also leave any other objects that the person comes in contact with soaked in hot water with diluted a few drops of orange oil overnight. These remedies will help kill the mites in other things, apart from clothes. Normally however, scabies mites do not leave the human body, as they need the warmth of the person to survive.

answered by G R

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