How to avoid hernia pain? Please suggest

In the first place, hernias can be quite serious, so do not rely on home remedies in the acute phase. Speak to your primary health care provider immediately. The only remedy for a hernia is surgery usually. But by exercising the precautions given below and making some lifestyle changes you can prevent it from happening again.

  • Avoid alcohol and foods that cause bloating
  • Protect your back when lifting something heavy
  • Elevate your head by at least six inches while sleeping. This prevents reflux
  • No tight clothes in the area of your torso
  • Drink 50ml of Aloe Vera juice in the mornings and in the nights
  • No bending over or lying down after food
These are some natural treatments to reduce the severity of pain:
  • Apply an ice compress to the aching area, but do not press on it.
  • Chamomile and slippery elm help with hernias
  • Apply no heat or pressure to the affected area
  • Take rupturewort in capsule form. Also try Cayenne Pepper.
  • A cloth soaked Rupturewort infusion may also be applied to the area directly.
  • Taking curcumin will bring the pain down

Home remedies for hernia are not a substitute for medical attention so please stay in touch with your primary health care provider.

answered by S E

Warning: does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. see additional information
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